I'm Isacco Bertoli 👋

I'm an creative developer form Bergamo, Italy.
Front-End • Back-End • BlockChain Developer

About Me

profile picture

My name is Isacco, I'am 22 years old and i live in a small town in Italy. I graduated as an electrician and after years of work i realized i wanted to do something else. I decided to explore the field of tecnology and web development, now I'am studyng to become full stack developer at Start2Impact University.



My preferred technologies for Front-End web development and component design.

Language i speak:

html logo css logo javascript logo bootstrap logo


My preferred technologies for Back-End web programming.

Language i speak:

python logo django logo mongodb logo sql logo


My preferred technologies for BlockChain web programming.

Language i speak:

ethereum logo  solidity logo


python cryptocurrency report project image

ExchangeBtc Web application

The project involves creating a free bitcoin exchange platform using Django and MongoDB

python logo django logo mongodb logo html logo tailwind logo
MigrantSchool Web application project image

MigrantSchool Web application

Implement a training certificate creation system with an existence proof on the blockchain.

python logo django logo sql logo html logo tailwind logo
python cryptocurrency report project image

Cryptocurrency Report

It's a Python bot that collect and store currencies's data every day in a JSON file

python logo
personal website project image

Portfolio WebSite

My personal site where companies can contact me. Made using Html-Css & javascript

html logo css logo sass logo javascript logo
 javascript counter app project image

Javascript News WebSite

Show the last 10 news in a card, with title, link and publication time

html logo css logo sass logo webpack logo javascript logo
 javascript counter app project image

Javascript Counter

It's a simple app made using basic javascript that allows user to increment, decrement, reset or set a number in a counter.

html logo css logo javascript logo

Get in touch